May 27, 2018
In this episode, Sara talks
with Beth Whitman about
working odd jobs and saving every penny to travel the
world before taking the leap and founding her
own travel company. Beth shares her views on "confidence" and talks
about how to tune out the opinions of others and tap into one's
own, inner guidance. Through her brands WanderTours,
Wanderlust and Lipstick, and Be Bold, Beth writes travel
books, leads trips and culinary adventures across the world,
delivers public talks and hosts her own podcast.
Sara and Beth
- Attending Kadampa Meditation
Center in Seattle together
- Beth starting out as a disc
jockey after studying media & communications
- Moving to Seattle from New
- Working 2-3 jobs at a time to
save money to travel
- Deciding she should get a "real
- Landing a tech startup
job that paid more than she'd ever made before
- Meeting her husband on the
- The company going under just
after she'd started
- Taking a sales job at a foreign
language learning company
- Making a six figure salary with
only 2 weeks of vacation and no time to travel
- Her husband convincing
her to leave her "soul-sucking" job
- Writing her first book,
and Lipstick: The Essential Guide for Women Traveling
- The story she'd told herself for
years that kept her from pursuing her dreams
- Writing her second book,
and Lipstick: For Women Traveling to India"
- Gaining national attention in
USA Today
- Women asking her to lead
- Giving in
- The question she asks herself
when she encounters mental road blocks
- Her thoughts on
- Using meditation to look at
possibilities from a new angle
- Holding herself back for ten
years because of comparison
- People's fears about her riding
a motorcycle from Seattle to Panama
- A trick she plays on her brain
to achieve her goals
- How she narrows her
- Her favorite part of owning her
own business
- How travel impacts
her travelers' lives
- Self-care on the
- Her support system
- Learning from the guests on her
"Be Bold"
- Getting inspired
by books from Tony
Robbins and Brené
- The messages we receive as women
about what we should or shouldn't do
- Others' silent lack of
- Meditation
- Sara's meditation
recommendation: "Live
Awake" podcast
- How Beth navigated her
career transition, financially
- The idea that travel is
- How to know yourself deeply and
what you want from life
- Journaling
resource: The
Artists Way by Julia Cameron
- Resisting distractions like
social media
- Beth's life
- Sara's mission
- ...and more
Beth's full
With nearly 30 years of travel under
her belt, Beth Whitman has made a name for herself as a women’s
travel expert. When she realized that not all women have the
confidence or know-how to travel independently, Beth wrote
"Wanderlust and Lipstick: The Essential Guide for Women Traveling
Solo" and, later, "Wanderlust and Lipstick: For Women Traveling to
India". Through her company, WanderTours, Beth regularly leads
trips to India, Papua New Guinea, Bhutan, Vietnam and Cambodia,
Burma, Thailand and Laos, Bali and Java, Tanzania and Ireland. She
also leads culinary tours through New Orleans, Santa Fe and her
hometown, Seattle. Beth speaks regularly at events throughout the
world, as well—all with the goal of inspiring would-be travelers
into action to live a life that helps them become better versions
of themselves. Beth Whitman is a true example of a woman who
went for it, having completed the 25-day, 220-mile Snowman Trek in
Bhutan—one of the most difficult treks in the world—not once, but
twice. She has driven the AlCan Highway to Alaska twice, as well.
She has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and reached the top at 19,341 feet.
After telling herself she wasn't a runner, she ran her first
marathon at age 50, completed five marathons that year, and then
went on to run four back-to-back marathons over Thanksgiving
weekend. That’s four marathons in four days in what's known as
the Seattle Quadzilla. And last, but certainly not least, she has
ridden a motorcycle solo from Seattle to Panama.